Share the Joy!

As Latter-day Saints, we believe that “families are meant to be central to our lives and that family relationships are intended to continue beyond this life. We hold that all family members—those living, those past, and those future—share an enduring bond that reaches across the generations. To us this means that families are forever, and an important part of acting on this belief is doing family history.” – About Family Search 


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Becoming an Effective Self-Reliance Facilitator

The Self-Reliance Services is a beautiful program for the members of the Church. It is an answer to the prayers of the leaders on how to help members be able to provide for their spiritual and temporal needs and extend help to others as well. I am glad to be part of the Stake Self Reliance Committee. My main role is to represent the sisters and families. I am privileged to be given additional responsibility to train ward leaders and facilitators and help them strengthen their testimony in the program.

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Daughters in My Kingdom: Women’s Roles and Responsibilities in the Gospel

Before I was called in the Relief Society, I served in the Primary Organization. I have learned at that time that nurturing children with the word of God is a divine role of women. The leaders and teachers in the Church work hand in hand with the parents to fulfill the plan of salvation for each of God’s children.  

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